Page:The Green Overcoat.djvu/333

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said Kirby, hitting that Capitalist rather affectedly upon the shoulder. "Do you know you left your cheque book in the pocket?"

"Yes," said Mr. Brassington not very pleasantly, "I did."

Mr. Kirby left not a moment for thought.

"Well, gentlemen, I haven't come to talk about that. I 've come to give you some good news. I saw Hogg this morning. You all know Hogg? He 's the man who handles the dibs at Westminster. He 's a really good fellow, collects stuffed frogs, has hundreds of 'em! Well, they 've done the straight thing at last, and" (turning to Mr. Brassington) "they 've put you in the Birthday Honours, Brassington!"

Mr. Brassington jumped.

"It 's a Baronetcy!"

Then at last Mr. Kirby was silent.

It grew clearer and clearer to Mr. Brassington that the presence of all these gentlemen round the table was not needed; but in the course of the next few minutes he had cause to change his mind.

Professor Higginson, as the only elderly man present, thought it was his duty to say, "