Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/36

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going nutting, and expected to spend the entire day in the woods, gathering chestnuts, hickory nuts and walnuts for the city children to take home with them on the morrow.

It was only about a mile to the woods, and though they had a rather late start, yet by noon their bags were nearly full, and they sat down under a big chestnut tree to eat their luncheon.

"I think we have a fine lot!" exclaimed Helen, patting one of the fat bags, "only we have so few chestnuts. I did want a lot of chestnuts for Hallowe'en. Just look at them, up in the top of this tree. Oh, dear, if we could only reach them!"

"The next frost will bring them just rattling down," said Mattie, "but you'll be gone home by that time. It's too bad."

"Can't you reach some more with the pole, Walter?" asked Helen.

"No," said Walter, ruefully. "I've thrashed the tree just as high as I can reach. I'll tell you what I'll do; I'll climb it."

"No, don't," exclaimed Helen, hastily