Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/49

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sat down on the floor and took the kitten into her arms. "You poor little darling," she whispered, "I know it hurts just dreadfully; but we will give you some medicine in a minute."

As she said the word medicine Jessie started and opened her eyes very widely. "Why," she exclaimed, "I can't give my kitty medicine. That wouldn't do at all. Christian Science is the only thing that really cures."

Placing the kitten back on its cushion, she ran to the kitchen door. "Katie," she called, "never mind about the catnip tea. We don't want it."

"It's all made, Miss Jessie," said Katie, lifting a steaming cup in one hand and a saucer of milk in the other. "We'll put some in the milk and she'll drink it, I guess."

Jessie glanced back at the little kitten, which wes mewing very pitifully, but stood her ground, sturdily. "No," she said, "Mamma will treat her in Christian Science when she comes home."

Katie shook her head. "She won't be alive