Page:The Grey Story Book (1905).pdf/72

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"For stupidity?" suggested Charley, his face flushing. "Yes, it is, or at least, it ought to be. I never thought of that."

"I'd try it if I were you," said Uncle Fred, still laughing as he went out of the door.

Charley looked after him, soberly. "Uncle Fred isn't a Christian Scientist," he reflected, "but he has given me a good thought. Of course Science ought to be good for—for—that, as well as for anything else. I'd just like to show him that Christian Science can do it."

Charley sat for quite a while, thinking. "I'd like to do it all myself without getting Mamma to help me," he mused. "She has told me so much about Science that I ought to be able to manage this; but I don't seem to know just how to go to work, except that I've got to know the truth, and that's just the opposite of anything that seems disagreeable. Mamma," he called, as his mother passed the doorway, "what is the opposite of stupid?"

Mamma stopped and looked at him with a loving smile. "Perfect understanding, dearie," she said. "Why? Can I help you any?"