overflowed this little country at the gateway of Europe. These people of Roman descent form a kind of nobility by themselves. Fontanus was proud of his Latin name. His sons were called Justus and Aurelian, his daughter Tertia. He was proud of their fine Roman features, and of his stately wife.
The Fontanus family lived in a substantial house of two stories. Fontanus owned the fields he cultivated, and many flocks and herds besides. Helena had maidens from poorer peasant families to help her and Tertia in the house, especially with the enormous amount of spinning and weaving that a household like hers demanded.
If Peter had really been of low descent, he might not have adapted himself to his new surroundings. But he had a quick mind and observant habits. So he was able to watch and do as the others did.
The next day, Peter went to the fields with the men. Fontanus gravely approved of him, and Peter felt more at home. He had an intense desire to prove himself a good workman. Some day he meant to own a field, and house, and cattle of his own.
But even in this beautiful and rich town the times of peace were not to last.