Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/169

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In the same shale band about a half a mile distant the following fossils were found, the eurypterids occurring in great abundance, but the Ludlow fish Thelodus scoticus being represented by only two fragments (215, 573):

Myriopoda ? (impressions of)
Ceratiocaris sp.
Dictyocaris ramsayi Salter
Pterygotus bilobus Salter
Slimonia acuminata Salter
Thelodus scoticus Traq.

In certain members of the Ceratiocaris group, though a little below the fish horizon, there are recorded from Long Burn, a tributary of Logan Water, the following species:

Modiolopsis nilssoni (His.)
Spirorbis sp.
Beyrichia kloedeni (M'Coy)
Beyrichia kloedeni var. torosa (Jones)
Lingula minima (Sow.)
Orthonota sp.
Dictyocaris ramsayi (Salt.)
Pterygotus bilobus (Salt.)
Platyschisma (Trochus) helicites (Sow.)

The best development of the Ludlow fish band occurs about mile south of Logan House in which place also was found an excellently preserved scorpion Palaeophonus caledonicus. In the same place in a cliff about 30 feet high a good section is exposed, showing hard greywacke bands at the top, but below these are brown flaggy shales containing Ceratiocaris in abundance and a few Pterygotus fragments. Embedded in these shales are ironstone nodules which contain fish remains. From this outcrop the following fossils have been collected (215, 574):

Archidesmus loganensis Peach
Ceratiocaris longa Jones and Woodw.
Ceratiocaris murchisoni ? M'Coy
Ceratiocaris papilio Salter
Ceratiocaris slygius Salter