Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/270

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Fischer, Gotthelf de Waldheim.
64. 1839. Notice sur un Crustacé Fossile du Genre Eurypterus de Podolie. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. t. I. No. 2, pp. 125–128, t. VII, fig. 1.
Fischer, Paul.
65. 1887. Manuel de Conchiliologie.
Flett, John S.
66. 1899. The Old Red Sandstone of the Orkneys. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin., Vol. XXXIX, part II, pp. 383–424.
Foerste, August F.
67. 1909. Silurian Fossils from the Kokomo, West Union, and Alger Horizons of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Jour. Cincinnati Society Natural History, Vol. XXI, No. 1, pp. 1–41, pls. I, II.
Fraipont, Julien.
68. 1889. Euryptérides Nouveaux du Dévonien Superieur de Belgique. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, tome XVII, pp. 53–62, pl. II. (See also earlier announcement ibid, t. XVI, p. LXXVIII.)
Frech, Fritz.
69. 1880–1897. Lethea Geognostica. I. Theil. Lethea Palaeozoica von Ferdinand Roemer, pp. 16, 22, 26, t. XLVII, fig. 6; t. XVIII, fig. 1 a, b, c, fig. 3, fig. 4 a, b.
70. 1897–1902. Lethea Geognostica. I Theil. 2te Bd., Maps II, III.
Geikie, Archibald.
71. 1878. On the Old Red Sandstone of Western Europe. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edin. Vol. XXVIII, pp. 345–452, pl. XXII.
72. 1892. Geological Map of England and Wales.
73. 1892. Geological Map of Scotland.
74. 1903. Textbook of Geology, Vol. II.
75. 1914. Textbook of Geology, Vol. II (fifth edition).
Geinitz, Hanns Bruno.
76. 1846. Grundriss der Versteinerungskunde, p. 220.
77. 1850. Charakteristik der Schichten und Petrefacten des sächsisch-böhmischen Kreidegebirges. Leipzig, Pt. IV, p. 6, t. IV, fig. 5.
78. 1853. Die Versteinerungen der Grauwackenformation in Sachsen und den Angrenzenden Ländern. Abtheilungen., Heft II, p. 23, 24, t. XIX, fig. 20.
Goodchild, J. G.
79. 1899. Desert Conditions in Britain. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., Vol. VII, pp. 203–222.
80. 1904. The Older Deutozoic Rocks of North Britain. Geol. Mag. N. S. Decade V, Vol. I, pp. 591–602.
Grabau, Amadeus William.
81. 1899. The Relation of Marine Bionomy to Stratigraphy. Bull. Buf. Soc. Nat. Sci., Vol. VI, No. 4, pp. 319–367.
82. 1901. Geology and Palæontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. Bulletin 45, N. Y. State Museum.
83. 1906. Guide to the Geology and Palæontology of the Schohharie Valley in Eastern New York. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. 92.