Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/279

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Pohlman, Julius.
218. 1881. On Certain Fossils of the Waterlime Group near Buffalo. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1, Art. 3, pp. 17–22, figs. 1–7.
219. 1882. Additional Notes on the Fauna of the Waterlime Group near Buffalo. Ibid., Vol. IV, No. 2, Art. 2, pp. 41–45, pls. II, III.
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Powrie, James.
221. 1861. On the Old Red Sandstone Rocks of Forfarshire. Q. J. G. S., Vol. XVII, pp. 534–542, (Figure, giving cross-section in Forfarshire).
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222. 1843. Report on the Geology of Londonderry and of Parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh, Dublin, p. 316, pl. XXIV, fig. 2.
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Prestwick, Joseph.
224. 1840. On the Geology of Coalbrook Dale. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lon. 2nd series, Vol. V, pp. 413, 493, t. XLI, figs. 1–8.
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227. 1899. On the Genera Psilophyton, Lycopodites, Zosterophyllum, and Parka decipiens of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. Their Affinities and Distribution. Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., Vol. VII, pp. 368–380.
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228. 1855. Ueber eine neue Krusterspecies aus der Böhmischen Steinkohlenformation. Paläontologische miscellen III Denk. d. k. akad. d. Wiss., Wien, Bd. X, pp. 81–83, t. III, IV.
Roberts, George L.
229. 1863. On some Crustacean Tracks from the Old Red Sandstone near Ludlow. Q. J. G. S., Vol. XIX, pp. 233–235.
Roberts, George E. and Randall, John.
230. 1863. On the Upper Silurian Passage-Beds at Linley, Salop. Q. J. G. S., Vol. XIX, pp. 229–232.
Roemer, Ferdinand.
231. 1851. Ueber ein bisher nicht beschreibenes Exemplar von Eurypterus aus devonischen Schichten des Staats New York in Nord-Amerika. Dunker and Meyer's Palæontographica, 1te, Bd. pp. 190–193, t. XXVII.
232. 1873. Notiz ueber das Vorkommen von Eurypterus Scouleri im Niederschlesischen Steinkohlengebirge. Zeit. d. d. geol. Ges. Bb. XXV, pp. 562–565, 3 figs.