Page:The Habitat of the Eurypterida.djvu/39

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ing pure chitin, but also in their entire internal make-up and with their original color such as is characteristic of living representatives.


Siluric. Upper Siluric of Podolia and Galicia. From various localities, mainly in Galicia, Austria, but occasionally from Podolia, Russia, a few fragments of Eurypterus fischeri are reported, together with specimens determined with difficulty to be Pterygotus osiliensis, and also three telsons of specifically unidentifiable Stylonurus.

Devonic. Middle Devonic of Galicia. A single telson of a Pterygotus species has been found by Siemiradzki in the Devonic coral limestone of Skala, Valencia (263).


Siluric. Upper Siluric. Professor McCoy has reported (168) the finding by Mr. F. Spry of four eurypterid remains in the Upper Silurian rocks underlying Melbourne. These rocks have been correlated by McCoy with the Victorian series. The matrix in which the merostome fragments were found is described as resembling very closely the black flaggy layers of the uppermost Ludlow of Lesmahagow, Scotland, while the eurypterid found there seems to have its closest affinities to Pterygotus bilobus. The specimen figured is fragmentary, but apparently of a eurypterid, which McCoy has referred to Pterygotus australis.


Carbonic. Middle Saarbrücker. In the Saarbrücken "basin" of Germany the Carbonic has been divided into two parts, the upper or Ottweiler with grey and red sandstone at the top and grey shale and sandstone below containing Pecopteris arborensis, Estheria, Leaia baentschiana and fish remains; and the lower or coal-bearing Saarbrücken beds containing in their middle members abundant plant remains and two eurypterid species. Arthropleura armata Jordan is represented by two or three abdominal segments found in the beds in the Friedrichsthal tunnel two miles from Saarbrücken, where in the same beds are plant remains of Lepidophyllum lineare Brong., and Anthracosaurus raniceps, Dictyoneura blattina and other insects. In the railroad shaft at Jägersfreude, ¾ of a mile from Saarbrücken, one incomplete individual of a form called by Jordan Adelopthalmus (Eurypterus) granosus has been found (135).