Page:The Hambledon Men (1907).djvu/87

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Here's guarding and catching, and throwing and tossing,
And bowling and striking, and running and crossing;
Each mate must excel in some principal part
The Pentathlum of Greece could not show so much art.
Derry down, &c.

The parties are met, and array'd all in white
Famed Elis ne'er boasted so pleasing a sight;
Each nymph looks askew at her favourite swain,
And views him, half stript, both with pleasure and pain.
Derry down, &c.

The wickets are pitched now, and measured the ground;
Then they form a large ring, and stand gazing around
Since Ajax fought Hector, in sight of all Troy,
No contest was seen with such fear and such joy.
Derry down, &c.

Ye bowlers, take heed, to my precepts attend:
On you the whole fate of the game must depend;
Spare your vigour at first, now exert all your strength,
But measure each step, and be sure pitch a length.
Derry down, &c.

Ye fieldsmen, look sharp, lest your pains ye beguile;
Move close like an army, in rank and in file;
When the ball is returnee!, back it sure, for I trow
Whole states have been ruined by one overthrow
Derry down, &c.