Page:The Hardships of the English Laws in Relation to Wives. Bodleian copy.pdf/64

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as to correſpond in my Opinion concerning the Equality of the Sexes at their firſt Creation, and alſo their Inequality upon the Tranſgreſſion. I muſt therefore take the Liberty to quote his Sentiments, tho' I heartily beg his Pardon for introducing him in ſuch Company as Mr. Hobbs, and acknowledge that I think neither he, nor even the celebrated Mr. Wollaſton, worthy to be named with him, much leſs in Contradiction to him.

"[1] And that this Subjection in the woman is the Effect of a Curſe, conſequent to that Offence which wrought our Fall, is evident, becauſe on Suppoſition that human Nature were in a State of Perfection, where Reaſon ruled and Perverſeneſs had no Place, there ſeems to be no imaginable Reaſon why one Sex ſhould be in Subjection to the other: And accordingly we find, that the Woman was given at firſt under no other Character but that of a Companion, becauſe it was not good for Man to be alone; nor did Adam conſider her under any other Character, for when he excuſes his Offence to almighty

  1. Revelation examined, &c. Vol. I p. 110.
