Page:The Harvard Classics Vol. 19.djvu/112

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This senseless, juggling witchcraft I detest! Dost promise that in this foul nest Of madness, I shall be restored? Must I seek counsel from an ancient dame? And can she, by these rites abhorred, Take thirty winters from my frame? Woe’s me, if thou naught better canst suggest! Hope has already fled my breast. Has neither nature nor a noble mind A balsam yet devis'd of any kind?


My friend, you now speak sensibly. In truth, Nature a method giveth to renew thy youth: But in another book the lesson’s writ;—————— It forms a curious chapter, I admit.


I fain would know it.


Good! A remedy Without physician, gold, or sorcery: Away forthwith, and to the fields repair, Begin to delve, to cultivate the ground, Thy senses and thyself confine Within the very narrowest round, Support thyself upon the simplest fare, Live like a very brute the brutes among, Neither esteem it robbery The acre thou dost reap, thyself to dung; This is the best method, credit me, Again at eighty to grow hale and young.