Then noble idleness I thee will teach to prize, And soon with ecstasy thou'lt recognise How Cupid stirs and gambols in thy heart.
Let me but gaze one moment in the glass! Too lovely was that female form!
Nay! nay! A model which all women shall surpass, In flesh and blood ere long thou shalt survey. (Aside.) As works the draught, thou presently shalt greet A Helen in each woman thou dost meet.
FAUST (MARGARET passing by)
Fair lady, may I thus make free To offer you my arm and company?
I am no lady, am not fair, Can without escort home repair. (She disengages herself and exit.)
By heaven! This girl is fair indeed! No form like hers can I recall. Virtue she hath, and modest heed, Is piquant too, and sharp withal. Her cheek's soft light, her rosy lips, No length of time will e'er eclipse! Her downward glance in passing by,