Page:The Harvard Classics Vol. 19.djvu/126

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To cut the matter short, my friend, She must this very night be mine, And if to help me you decline, Midnight shall see our compact end.

Mephistopheles What may occur just bear in mind! A fortnight’s space, at least, I need, A fit occasion but to find.


With but seven hours I could succeed; Nor should I want the devil’s wile, So young a creature to beguile.


Like any Frenchman now you speak, But do not fret, I pray; why seek To hurry to enjoyment straight? The pleasure is not half so great, As when at first around, above, With all the fooleries of love, The puppet you can knead and mould As in Italian story oft is told.


No such incentives do I need.


But now, without offense or jest! You cannot quickly, I protest, In winning this sweet child succeed. By storm we cannot take the fort, To stratagem we must resort.


Conduct me to her place of rest! Some token of the angel bring!