Page:The Harvard Classics Vol. 19.djvu/164

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Alas! it long hath sorely troubled me, To see thee in such odious company.


How so?


The man who comes with thee, I hate, Yea, in my spirit's inmost depths abhor; As his loath'd visage, in my life before, Naught to my heart e'er gave a pang so great.


Him fear not, my sweet love!


His presence chills my blood. Towards all beside I have a kindly mood; Yet, though I yearn to gaze on thee, I feel At sight of him strange horror o’er me steal; That he’s a villain my conviction’s strong. May Heaven forgive me, if I do him wrong!


Yet such strange fellows in the world must be!


I would not live with such an one as he. If for a moment he but enter here, He looks around him with a mocking sneer, And malice ill-conceal'd; That he with naught on earth can sympathize is clear Upon his brow ’tis legibly revealed, That to his heart no living soul is dear. So blest I feel, within thine arms, So warm and happy,—free from all alarms; And still my heart doth close when he comes near.