Page:The Harveian Oration1876.djvu/21

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whole is seen clear as daylight. The opposition he met with came from outside, and from abroad, from those who had probably never read his lucid and convincing work. Happily, this College is free from the least suspicion of opposition; it honoured his doctrines when he proclaimed them living, and his memory when his written word alone remained.

Such was the mind, then, so gifted with the highest observing power, so true to what that power saw, so clear in stating what was seen, which made this immortal discovery. And now I think, if my conception of the mind is a true one, we can see clearly how the discovery was made.

Harvey was twenty-four years of age when he returned from Padua. He had no doubt had his attention strongly directed to the subject of the motion of the heart by his teacher, Fabricius. He found everything obscure, and determined, I presume, at that time, to work at this problem. He desired, to use his own words, “to contemplate the motion of the heart and