Page:The Harveian oration 1903.djvu/20

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awarded to a Medical Practitioner who has advanced Sanitary Science or Public Health.

Turning now to those whose achievements have enriched not only our College by their reflected lustre, but mankind at large by the benefit conferred, and who by their intellectual labours and scientific results have gained for themselves imperishable fame, it would be wearisome and profitless to mention them merely by name. Time does not allow me to record their doings. Yet it were not decent that in the press and rush of the present day, the labours of Gilbert and of Glisson, of Willis, of Young who enunciated the undulatory theory of Light, of Sydenham, of Heberden, of William Hunter, of Prout, Bright, Watson, Parkes, Jenner, Gull, Clark, and Reynolds, former Fellows of this College, should be forgotten on this occasion of the commemoration of our benefactors. Excepting such immortal discoveries as Harvey's—discoveries that mark an era and are starting points in knowledge—it is easy from our present standpoint to overlook the help that the advances made by these workers contributed to the general progress; nor are those suggestions which proved to be erroneous altogether to be disregarded, since in their refutation the right way often became manifest.

These are but some of those whose good deeds,