Page:The Heart of Jainism (IA heartofjainism00stevuoft).djvu/346

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  • Ċāka, 198.
  • Ċakravartī, 25, 56, 274.
  • Ċakṣudarśanāvaraṇīya, 133.
  • Ċakṣurindriya, 96.
  • Ċamarī pūjā, 252.
  • Cambay, 287.
  • Ċampaka tree, 269.
  • Ċampāpurī, 40, 41, 54.
  • Ċaṇḍāḷa ċokaḍī, 125.
  • Ċandalo, 195, 199, 229.
  • Ċandana, 61 n., 66, 66 n.
  • Ċandana pūjā, 229, 250, 251, 254.
  • Ċandapannati, 14.
  • Ċandāvijaya, 15.
  • Ċandra, 270,
  • Ċandragaċċha, 80 n.
  • Ċandragupta, 10, 70, 70 n.
  • Ċandraprabhu, 53, 312.
  • Ċandraprajñapti, 14.
  • Ċandrasūri, 80 n.
  • Ċandravedhyaka, 15.
  • Ċāngadeva, 287.
  • Canon of Scriptures, 11, 13 ff.
  • (Digambara), 16.
  • Ċaraṇānuyoga, 16, 240 n.
  • Ċaraṇaśitarī, 240.
  • Ċāritra, the five, 154 ff., 241.
  • Ċāritramohanīya karma, 180.
  • Ċāritra vinaya, 166.
  • Ċāritrya, 246.
  • Ċaryā parīṣaha, 149.
  • Caste, 9, 21, 168, 182, 270 f., 293.
  • Categories, the nine, 94 ff., App. I.
  • Ċatuhśarana, 14.
  • Ċaturindriya, see Ċorendriya.
  • Ċaturmāsī, see Ċomāsī.
  • Ċaturviṁśatistava, see Ċauvisanttho.
  • Ċauda Guṇasthānaka, 185 ff., 219, 222.
  • Ċaudaśa, see Kālīċaudaśa.
  • Ċaulakya dynasty, 288.
  • Ċausaraṇa, 14.
  • Ċauvisanttho, 255.
  • Ċāvaḍā dynasty, 82.
  • Cave-temples, 280.
  • Celibacy, 68, 70; see also Brahmac͏̇arya.
  • Ċeṣṭānivṛitti, 148.
  • Ċetaka, King, 40, 66 n.
  • Character, 162, 229, 254, 297 ff.
  • Charity, 202, 203, 244 n., 258.
  • Chastity, 37, 59, 117, 118, 209, 236, 237, 241; see also Brahmac͏̇arya.
  • Ċhaṭṭhī, Mother, see Sixth, Mother.
  • Ċhedagrantha, 14, 16.
  • Ċhedopasthāpanīya ċāritra, 155.
  • Childless Women, 267.
  • Children, 131, 193 ff., 267.
  • Cholera, 266.
  • Christ, see Jesus Christ.
  • Christianity, 122 n., 125 n., 127 n., 144, 189, 192, 239, 247 ff., 288 n., 289 ff.
  • Circumambulation, 280.
  • Ċitragupta, 277.
  • Classification, Jaina genius for, 109.
  • Cleanliness, 146 ff.
  • Climate, 2.
  • Clothing, 145, 149, 226, 231, 239, 239 n.; see also Nudity.
  • Cocoa-nut, 194 ff., 203 ff.
  • Cold, enduring, see Śīta parīṣaha.
  • Colour of the soul, 102, 124 ff.
  • Colours, 108.
  • Ċomāsī, 123, 166.
  • Commerce, 213 ff.
  • Committees, see Mahājana.
  • Compromise, 126.
  • Conceit, see Pride.
  • Conch shell, 58.
  • Conduct, the five rules of, see Ċāritra.
  • Right, 205, 245 ff., 262.
  • Thirty-five rules of, 243 ff.
  • Conferences, Jaina, 288 n.
  • the twelve, 191.
  • Confession, 50, 101, 120, 123, 166, 231, 256.
  • Consecration of an idol, 263.
  • Constellations, 270 ; see also Nakṣatra.
  • Contentment, 152 ff.
  • Converts to Jainism, 219 n.
  • Ċorendriya jīva, 97, 100, 104.
  • Ċorendriya nāma, 136.
  • Ċoṭalī, 198.
  • Covetousness, 119, 247.
  • Crab, 53.
  • Creator, Creation, 109, 128, 192.
  • Cremation, see Funeral ceremonies.