Page:The Heathen Chinee, illustrated.djvu/7

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Charles Reade's New Story


By special arrangement with MR. CHARLES READE, his New Serial Novel,

"&a terrible temptation,"

is now appearing in EVERY SATURDAY simultaneously with its publication in London. It began the first of March, and will be continued, without interruption, in successive numbers of EVERY SATURDAY until completed. The unquestioned position of MR. READE as the most popular of living novelists gives a special interest to this announcement.

The editorial staff employed on EVERY SATURDAY embraces many of the ablest writers in the country. In its two editorial departments are dis cussed the leading Political, Social, Literary, and Dramatic topics of the day.

From " The New York Evening Post."

"The literary contents of EVERY SATURDAY are uniformly delightful, and show the careful industry and unerring taste of the editor. New features of interest and attraction are announced for forthcoming numbers, though it may admit of a doubt whether the proprietors can make the paper any more valuable or brilliant, in letter press or illustrations, than it is now."

TERMS OF EVERY SATURDAY. Single Weekly Number, 10 cents ; Monthly Parts, 50 cents ; Yearly Subscription, $ 5.00 in advance, $ 4 00 a year to subscribers for any other Periodical issued by

JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO, Publishers,


124 Tremont Street, Boston.