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John. 3;6.—That which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit, is spirit.—Ps. 51;5.—Ps. 53;1.—Rom. 3;9-12.—Job 14;4.—Gen. 8;21.

8. Are we then so corrupt that we are wholly incapable of doing any good, and inclined to all wickedness?

Indeed we are (Rom. 7;18); except we are regenerated by the Spirit of God (John 3;3).

Rom. 7;18.—I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.—2 Cor. 3;5.—Gen. 6;5.—Job 15;16.

John 3;3—Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God.—John 3;5, 6.—Jer. 13;23.—Eph. 2;4, 5.


9. Doth not God then do injustice to man by requiring from him, in his law, that which he cannot perform?—(Gal. 3;10).

Not at all (Rom. 3;20); for God made man capable of performing it (Ecc. 7:29); but man, by the instigation of the devil, and his own willful disobedience (Rom. 5;19), deprived himself and all his posterity of those divine gifts (Rom. 5;12).

Gal. 3;10.—Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.—Rom. 3;5, 6.—Rom. 1;32.

Rom. 3;20.—By the deeds of the law, there shall no flesh be justified in his sight.—Rev. 15;3,

Ecc. 7;29.—God hath made man upright.

Rom. 5;19.—By one man’s disobedience many were made sinners.—Gen. 3;13.—2 Cor. 11;3.

Rom. 5;12.—Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin: and so death