the future a Knife, Fork, and Spoon in my Pocket.
In their Sports they retain ſomething of the Arcadian Simplicity. Dancing, if I may call it ſo, jumping and turning round at leaſt, to the Fiddle and Baſe Viol, is their great Diverſion. In Summer, they have it in the Fields, and in Winter, in the Barns. The Month of May, is every Year ushered in with a Ceremony which has ſomething in the Deſign of it pretty enough, and, I believe, will not be tireſome to my Reader in the Account.
In almoſt all the great Pariſhes they chuſe from among the Daughters of the moſt wealthy Farmers a young Maid, for the Queen of May. She is dreſt in the gayeſt and beſt manner they can, and is attended by about twenty others, who are called Maids of Honour: The has alſo a young Man, who is her Captain, and has under his Command a good Number of inferiour Officers. In Oppoſition to her, is the Queen of Winter, who is a Man dreſt in Woman's Clothes, with woollen Hoods, Furr Tippets, and