They have no Fairs worth mentioning, except two, which are kept at Kirk Patrick, the one at Midſummer, and the other juſt after Michaelmas. To theſe the good Houſewives bring Thread and Worſted of their own ſpinning to be wove, and here alſo you may buy any ſort of Linen or Woollen Cloth the Country produces, but none elſe. They ſell no Trinkets at theſe Fairs, as at the Engliſh ones, nor much Eatables, beſides Butter and Fowls, which Commodities are brought in Creels, a ſort of Baſkets made of Straw, which they hang over their Horſes Necks, in the manner of Panniers, and will contain a great Quantity.
As to their Horſes, they are generally fleet, but ſmall, and very hardy; they wear no Shoes, eat no Corn, nor ever go into a Stable: but when they come off a Journey, tho' the Weather be ever ſo bad, are only turned looſe to graze before their Doors, or in an adjoining Field.