out of Cord, their whole Stock being too little for his capacious Inquiſition. A very ſkillful Mathematician being on board, ſaid, that he knew by the Proportion of the Line which was let down, he muſt have deſcended from the Surface of the Waters more than twice the Number of Leagues that the Moon is computed to be diſtant from the Earth. But having, as I ſaid, no more Cord, they were obliged to turn the Wheel, which, by degrees, brought him up again; at their opening the Machine, and taking him out, he. appeared very much troubled, that his Journey had ſo ſoon been at a Period, telling them, that could he have gone a little farther, he ſhould have brought Diſcoveries well worth the Search. It is not to be ſuppoſed but every body was impatient to be informed of what kind they were; and being all gathered about him on the main Deck, as ſoon as he had recruited himſelf with a hearty Swill of Brandy, he began to relate in this manner.
After, ſaid he, I had paſſed the Region of Fiſhes, I deſcended into a pure Element, clear as the Air in the ſereneſt