to, makes any Anſwer, he is ſure not to out-live three Days.
Another Story on the oppoſite ſide of the Iſland paſſes not leſs current than this. The diſturbed Spirit of a Perſon ſhipwreck'd on a Rock adjacent to this Coaſt, wanders about it ſtill, and ſometimes make ſo terrible a Yelling, that it is heard at an incredible Diſtance. They tell you that the Houſes even ſhake with it, and, that not only Mankind, but all the brute Creation within Hearing tremble at the Sound. But what ſerves very much to encreaſe the Shock, is, that whenever it makes this extraordinary Noiſe, it is a ſure Prediction of an approaching Storm; nor does it ever happen, ſay they, but ſome Ship or other splits, and its Crew are thrown up by the Waves. At other Times the Spirit cries out only, Hoa! Hoa! Hoa! with a Voice little, if any thing, louder than a human one.
I have heard ſay that a young amorous Couple, whoſe Parents being but lately come to live on this ſide the Iſland, had not been told of this Spirit, made an