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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/142

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A Deſcription of

bound by Magic Spells; but in what Manner he lies, or in what Form, none had ever Courage enough to explore. They add, that if you carry a Horſe, a Dog, or any other Animal to the Mouth of this Hole, its Hair will ſtand an end, its Eyes ſtare, and a damp Sweat cover its whole Body. Strange Noiſes they alſo pretend have been heard to iſſue from this Place: and I knew a Man once, who poſitively averr'd that his great Grandfather ſaw a huge Dragon, with a Tail and Wings that darkned all the Element, and the Eyes that ſeemed two Globes of Fire, deſcend ſwiftly into it, and after that, heard moſt terrible Shrieks and Groans from within.

What gave riſe to this Story, I imagine was, that the Cavern being pretty deep, and perhaps divided into ſeveral Partitions, the Winds having found Entrance into the Cavities, occaſion that Fumbling, and ſometimes whiſtling Sounds, which the Superſtition of the Natives interpret for Groans, Shrieks, and whatever elſe their own wild Ideas happen to ſuggeſt.