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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/148

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A Deſcription of

Formerly their current Money was Leather, which every Man of Subſtance was entitled to make: not exceeding a certain Quantity limited by a Law then in Force: this had no other Impreſſion than the Maker's Name, and Date of the Year. But the Manks Money now current, are Pence and Halfpence, of a baſe mixed Metal, the Impreſſion and Inſcription are the ſame on both, viz. on one ſide, three Legs, commonly called the three Legs of Man; the Inſcription on that ſide, is, Quocunque geſſeris ſtabit, which the Natives foolishly apply to the Poſture of the Feet, being oppoſite to each Word, but the true Meaning to me ſeems to be, Carry it where you will, it won't go, or paſs. On the other ſide the Impreſſion is a Cap of Maintenance, with an Eagle and Child, the Earl of Derby's Creſt; the Motto, Sans changer; which Motto the Manks Men would transfer from the original Meaning, which was to expreſs the unſhaken Loyalty of the Houſe of Stanley, to imply their own Stedfaſtness: but if it is to be taken in the latter Senſe, I ſhould rather think, it only implies the intrinſick Worthleſſneſs
