He told me, that a famous Enchantreſs ſojourning in this Iſland, but in what Year, he was ignorant, had, by her diabolical Arts, made herſelf appear ſo lovely in the Eyes of Men, that the enſnared the Hearts of as many as beheld her. The Paſſion they had for her, ſo took up all their Hearts, that they entirely neglected their uſual Occupations; they neither plowed, nor ſowed; neither built Houſes, nor repaired them; their Gardens were all overgrown with Weeds, and their once fertile Fields were covered with Stones; their Cattle died for want of Paſture, their Turf lay in the Bowels of the Earth undug for; and every thing had the Appearance of an utter Deſolation: even Propagation ceaſed, for no Man could have the leaſt Inclination for any Woman but this univerſal Charmer, who ſmiled on them, permitted them to follow and admire her, and gave every one leave to hope himſelf would be at laſt the happy He.
When he had thus allured the male Part of the Iſland, the pretended one day to go a Progreſs thro' the Provinces, and being attended by all her Adorers on