where Divine Service is celebrated Morning and Afternoon, and ſeveral Offices belonging to the Court of Chancery.
In this Town are the moſt regular Buildings in general of the whole Iſland, and within a ſhort Mile of it is Derby-Haven, which is by much the beſt Harbour they can boaſt of, and has a very ſtrong Fort in the Mouth of it.
Duglas, ſo called from the two Rivers running into that Harbour, and called the black and the grey Waters, muſt fall next under our Conſideration, as being the Town of the moſt Trade; and tho' the Buildings are very indifferent, and the near Neighbourhood of the Sea, which ſometimes runs mountain high, and in tempeſtuous Weather, threatens the Inhabitants with an Inundation; yet is full of very rich and eminent Dealers. The Reaſon of which is plain; the Harbour of it being the moſt frequented of any in the Iſland, by Dutch, Iriſh, and Eaſt-India Veſſels, there is the utmoſt Opportunity, that can be wiſhed, for carrying on the Smugling Trade. So much, it muſt be confeſs'd, do ſome Men prefer