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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/28

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A Deſcription of

ties, tho' ſince conſecreated to the Worſhip of the true Divinity; and what confirms me more ſtrongly in this Conjecture, is, that there is ſtill a Part of one remaining, where ſtands a large Stone directly in Form and Manner like the Tripos's, which in thoſe Days of Ignorance, the Prieſts ſtood upon, to deliver their fabulous Oracles.

Through one of theſe old Churches, there was formerly a Paſſage to the Apartment belonging to the Captain of the Guard, but is now cloſed up. The Reaſon they give you for it, is a pretty odd one; but as I think it not ſufficient Satisfaction to my curious Reader, to acquaint him with what ſort of Buildings this Iſland affords, without letting him know alſo what Traditions are concerning them, I ſhall have little Regard to the Cenſure of thoſe Criticks, who find fault with every thing out of the common Road; and in this, as well as in all other Places, where it falls in my Way, ſhall make it my Endeavour to lead him into the Humours and very Souls of the Manks People.
