was built for, the Education of young Princes, for certainly Study and Meditation can no where be more indulged. Happy were it for the Youth of England, if our Univerſities had the ſame Advantage, ſo many of our Nobility and Gentry would not then imbibe a Corruption of Morals with an Improvement of Learning.
It was in this Caſtle that Eleanor, Wiſe to Humphrey Duke of Glouceſter, Uncle to King Henry VI. and Lord Protector of England, was confined, after being banished thro' the Malice of the Duke of Suffolk, and Cardinal of Winchester, who accuſed her of having been guilty of aſſociating herſelf with Wizards and Witches, to know if her Huſband would ever attain the Crown, and other treaſonable Practices. Sir John Stanley then Lord of Man, had the Charge of her, and having conducted her to the Iſland, placed her in this Caſtle; where she lived in a Manner befitting her Dignity, nothing but Liberty being refuſed: ſhe appeared however ſo turbulent and impatient under this Confinement, that he was obliged to keep a Guard over her, not only becauſe