A Deſcription of
Names of in the Order they ſtand in the Regiſter.
Kirk Farmyn.
- Kirk Patrick.
- Kirk Michaell.
- Kirk Ballaugh.
- Kirk Furby.
- Kirk Bride.
- Kirk Candras.
- Kirk Chriſtleſare.
- Kirk Mahal.
- Kirk Lennon.
- Kirk Canton.
- Kirk Braddon.
- Kirk Maroan.
- Kirk Santon.
- Kirk Merlugh.
- Kirk Carbra.
- Kirk Chriſt-Ruſſin.
When Dr. Wilſon, Biſhop of Man, was about publiſhing his ſhort, but exact Account of the Iſland, he ordered all his Parochial Clergy to ſend him a Liſt of the Number of Souls, including Strangers, in their reſpective Pariſhes, which at that Time, amounted to no more than 14,500, tho' through a Miſtake of the Printer, the Number publiſhed, was 15,000; but ſince that, ſo many Iriſh Families have come over and ſettled there, that the Account is greatly encreaſed.