niſt to disprove his Aſſertion before the beſt Judges of Learning his Country could produce. Upon this, the Miniſter, by the Advice of his Brethren, conſcious of the Weakness of his Cauſe, dropt the Proſecution, and has ever ſince ſat down as contentedly under the Character of an Illiterate, as a Bully does under a Beating.
The Diſcipline of the Chuch being perpetually dinn'd into the Ears of the Laity, and the indiſpenſable Obligation of ſubmitting to it, the abject Creatures are drove to Priſon like Sheep to a Fold, and from thence to publick Penance, as quietly as thoſe Beaſts are to the Slaughter: deterred, on the one hand, from Murmuring, by the Threatnings of ſeverer Puniſhments; and perſuaded on the other, that patient Submiſſion to the Inflictors is the ſupremeſt Merit in the Eyes of Heaven.
How little the Methods taken by this Court to prevent Fornication have ſucceeded, may be known by the great Number of Offenders, which are every Sunday doing Penance for it in their Churches; and