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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/49

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the Iſle of MAN.

ger, I think he was of Wales, and Maſter of a Veſſel; what Diſcourſe paſſed between them is unknown, nor is it of much Conſequence, any farther than that they agreed to go together to her Lodging, where, having made him very drunk, the rifled his Pocket of Ten Guineas, then made a Pretence to get him down Stairs: but he no ſooner came into the Air, then it deprived him of all the little Senſe the Liquor had leſt him; and being unable to reel any farther, he lay down at the Door, and ſell into a ſound Sleep. When waked, he miſſed his Money, he remembred the Encounter he had had with the Woman, but could not be certain if the had taken it from him, or whether he might not have been robbed as he was aſleep. On relating the Story however, to his Landlady, the perſuaded him to make his Complaint, and procure Leave to ſearch the Lodgings of this Woman. The Advice was followed, and the Officers, being very diligent in their Scrutiny, ſound in her Boſom one Guinea, under a heap of Aſhes a ſecond, and good Part of the Change of another. As she was extremely poor, and had nothing to ſubſiſt on, but what she got by daily Labour
