But as it is no leſs, if not a greater Error, to omit the Praiſes of the good, than to lay open, and warn Men of unworthy Paſtors; I muſt not quit this Subject without mentioning ſome of thoſe many amiable Qualities, which adorn the Character of the preſent Biſhop. Long, and uninterrupted Cuſtom has made the Spiritual Court of ſuch an arbitrary Authority, that ſhould he derogate from it, he would be in great Danger of publick Oppoſition, as well as private Hatred, from the whole Body of inferior Clergy: he therefore may be ſaid rather to comply with, than approve of it; being in his own Nature, what our bleſſed Saviour recommends, mild, humble, tender, compaſſionate, and forgiving. But the abundant Charities he beſtows, and which we too well know, not to have reached wherever this Treatiſe will arrive, are better Teſtimonials of him than the Words of any Author. Some few, but alas! they are but few, of the Vicars and Chaplains, may alſo be exempted from the general Character above given.
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