enough, to reprimand, for being abſent from their Exerciſes at that Time of the Day, it being then, he ſaid, between Three and Four of the Clock: but when he approached as near as he could gueſs, within Twenty Paces, they all immediately diſappeared, tho' he had never taken his Eye off them from the firſt Moment he beheld them; nor was there any Place where they could ſo ſuddenly retreat, it being an open Field without Hedge or Buſh, and, as I ſaid before, broad Day.
Another Inſtance, which might ſerve to ſtrengthen the Credit of the other, was told me by a Perſon who had the Reputation of the utmoſt Integrity. This Man being deſirous of diſpoſing of a Horſe he had at that Time no great Occaſion for, and riding him to Market for that Purpoſe, was accoſted, in paſſing over the Mountains, by a little Man in a plain Dreſs, who aſked him if he would ſell his Horſe. 'Tis the Deſign I am going on, reply'd the Perſon who told me the Story. On which, the other deſired to know the Price. Eight Pounds, ſaid he. No, reſumed the Purchaſer, I will