Whiſtle, as tho' in my Ear, when nobody that could make it was near me.
For my Part, I shall not pretend to determine if ſuch Appearances have any Reality, or are only the Effect of the Imagination; but as I had much rather give credit to them, than be convinced by ocular Demonſtration, I shall leave the Point to be diſcuſſed by thoſe who have made it more their Study; and only ſay, that whatever Belief we ought to give to ſome Accounts of this kind, there are others, and thoſe much more numerous, which merit only to be laughed at: it not being at all conſonant to Reaſon, or the Idea Religion gives us of the fallen Angels, to ſuppoſe Spirits ſo eminent in Wiſdom and Knowledge, as to be exceeded by nothing but their Creator, ſhould viſit the Earth for ſuch trifling Purpoſes as to throw Bottles and Glaſſes about a Room, and a thouſand other as ridiculous Gambols mentioned in thoſe voluminous Treatiſes of Apparitions.
The Natives of this Iſland tell you alſo, that before any Perſon dies, the Proceſſion of the Funeral is acted by a ſort