mind to commence a Suit againſt his Neighbour for Debt, he has no more to do than to take out a Token. which is a Piece of Slate marked with the Governour's Name on it; and it is the ſame thing with an Arreſt in England: the Price of theſe Tokens is no more than two Pence, and every Man being allowed to plead his own Cauſe, there is no Occaſion for Counſellors, Attorneys, or Sollicitors. The Ignorance, however, of the People, and their Incapacity of Speaking for themſelves in publick, have given an Opportunity to ſome Men to ſet up for a kind of Lawyers, who take Fees, and argue on both Sides, as in the Courts of Juſtice elſewhere.
Their Sheeding Courts, the ſame with our Terms, are held but twice a Year; but then they have a Court of Chancery, wherein the Governour is ſole Judge, which, if there be Occaſion, he may hold once every Week; and this gives ſo eaſy and ſpeedy a Diſpatch to all Differences, that there is little to do at their Grand Aſſizes.