was erected with a Deſign to baffle the Efforts of Time; nor could it, in more Years than have elapſed ſince, the Coming of Chriſt, have been ſo greatly defaced, had it received no Injury but from Time: but in ſome of the dreadful Revolutions this Iſland has ſuſtained, it doubtless has ſuffered much from the Outrage of the Soldiers, as may be gather'd by the Niches yet ſtanding in the Chapel (which has been one of the fineſt in the World) and the Images of the Saints repoſited in them being torn out, which could not have happened but by Force.
Here has alſo been many curious Monuments, the Inſcriptions of which, tho' almoſt worn out, yet ſtill retain enough to make the Reader know the Bodies of very great Perſons have been repoſited here. There is plainly to berea on one of them,
Illuſtriſſima Matilda filia
And a little lower, on the ſame Stone,
Rex Merciæ