Anno Domini 1230.
Several fine Figures, which ſeem deſigned by way of Hieroglyphic, have alſo been both the Ornaments and Explanation of theſe Tombs; but now ſo demoliſhed, that one can only know by the Fragments they have been too excellent not to have merited a better Fate.
In the midſt of a ſmall ſquare Court behind this Chapel is a ſort of a Pyramid of reddiſh Stones cemented with Clay, on which formerly ſtood a Croſs; and near it have been many fine Monuments, tho' not ſo magnificent as thoſe within the Chapel. From this Place you may go down by a gradual Deſcent to a Cell, built all of white Stone, where ſtood the Confeſſional Chair; but this alſo lies now in Ruins: as does a great Gate, which, they ſay, was once exceeding fine, and was never opened but at the Initiation of a Nun, or the Death of the Lady Abbeſs. Some Pieces of broken Columns are ſtill to be ſeen up and down the Ground, but the greateſt Part have been removed for