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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/98

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A Deſcription of

Paces) the extreme Cold when you come to any Height, the Horror of being expoſed alone to all the Fury of the Elements, and the horrid Proſpect of the Sea, roaring thro' a thouſand Cavities, and foaming round you on every ſide, is enough to ſtagger the firmeſt Reſolution and Courage, and without all queſtion been the Deſtruction of many of thoſe unhappy Wretches.

The Fort of Duglas, which commands the Bay, is a very ancient Building, but kept in good Repair. They ſay that the great Caratack, Brother to Bonduca Queen of Britain, concealed here his young Nephew from the Fury of the Romans, who were in Purſuit of him, after having vanquished the Queen, and ſlain all her other Children. There is certainly a very ſtrong and ſecret Apartment underground in it, having no Paſſage to it but a Hole, which is covered with a large Stone; and is called to this Day, The Great Man's Chamber.

The ancient Inhabitants of this Iſland ſeem to have taken a great Delight in ſubterranean Dwellings, for there is no
