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had their Veſſel again loaded with ſuch Goods from Glaſgow as were moſt wanted in the Highlands of Scotland. My Brother ordered me to abide in the Boat, but my Curioſity to ſee the Town of Greenock, prevailed upon me to diſobey his Command; ſo I ſtole out unperceived, and wandered though the Town till Night, ſtaring at every Thing, as I had never ſeen any Buildings or Curioſities before; nor could I find the Way back to the Key where I left the Boat, till they obliged, after a long Search, to ſail off without me. Not one Word of Engliſh did I then underſtand, or could ſpeak; ſo Night coming on, I went into a Houſe for Shelter, the Good Wife of which was ſo cruel and unhoſpitable, that clapping one of her Hands below my Houghs, and the other under the Nape of my Neck, ſhe whip'd me up and carried me to the Middle of the Street, where ſhe left me crying. In this poor Condition, a Man of more Humanity took Pity upon me, and carried me to his Houſe, and made my Quarters good, after a very warm Diſpute with his Wife, who ſtrongly oppoſed it. I could perceive them both in a great Paſſion, and as I did not underſtand any Thing of their Quarrel, I was under dreadful Apprehenſions of being murdered by them. However, I was, in Spite of my Hoſteſs, ſheltered under her Roof all Night; nor did my Landlord ſtop his Kindneſs here, but next Day got me provided for in a Country Houſe near Greenock, where I was to herd three Cows and a Horſe: Here I was uſed very well, and now I began to underſtand ſome of Engliſh. And being ſent by my Landlady one Day to ſell ſome Cream,which