Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/332

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tain Goodall. By the 9th of August, both Nesmith and the Indian superintendent were at Yoncalla.

Fighters were plenty, but they were without subsistence. Alden appointed a board of military commissioners to constitute a general department of supply.[1] Learning that the Indians were in force near Table Rock, Alden planned an attack for the night of the 11th; but in the mean time information came that the Indians were in the valley killing and burning right and left. Without waiting for officers or orders, away rushed the volunteers to the defence of their homes, and for several days the white men scoured the country in small bands in pursuit of the foe. Sam, the war chief of Rogue River, now approached the volunteer camp and offered battle. Alden, having once more collected his forces, made a movement on the 15th to dislodge the enemy, supposed to be encamped in a bushy cañon five miles north of Table Rock, but whom he found to have changed their position to some unknown place of concealment. Following their trail was exceedingly difficult, as the savages had fired the woods behind them, which obliterated it, filled the atmosphere with smoke and heat, and made progress dangerous. It was not until the morning of the 17th that Lieutenant Ely of the Yreka company discovered the Indians on Evans Creek, ten miles north of their last encampment. Having but twenty-five men, and the main force having returned to Camp Stuart for supplies, Ely fell back to an open piece of ground, crossed by creek channels lined with bunches of willows, where, after sending a messenger to headquarters for reënforcements, he halted. But before the other companies could come up, he was discovered by Sam, who hastened to attack him.

Advancing along the gullies and behind the willows, the Indians opened fire, killing two men at the first

  1. George Dart, Edward Sheil, L. A. Loomis, and Richard Dugan constituted the commission.