EX. \n 775 \n Daily News, newspaper, ii. 448.
Daily Times, newspaper, ii. 449.
Dallas foitnded, ii. 251.
Daly, John, killed on the Gazelle, ii. 340.
Daniels, W. B., del. to convention, 1857, ii. 418.
Darragh, John, apptd to raise Ind. co, ii. 531.
Darrough, I. , favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.
Dart, Anson, supertd of Ind. affairs, ii. 206; offl. actions of, 213-18.
Dart, Geo., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.
Davenport, T. I., in explor exped., ii. 197.
Davidson, Geo., survey exped., ii. 248-9.
Davidson, James, biog., i. 629.
Davidson, James, biog., i. 632.
Davidson, Thomas L., biog., i. 624,
Davis, Byron N., Ind. agent, ii. 469.
Davis, Henry W., biog., i. 628.
Davis, Col Jefferson C., succeeds Canby, ii. 624; action in Modoc war, 624-31.
Davis, John W., Apptd Gov. 1853, biog., ii. 322; acts of, 323, 324; resigns 1854, character, 348-9.
Davis, Leaiider L., biog., i. 636.
Davis, Samuel, biog., i. 570.
Dawson, V. W., pion. 43, i. 394; Cal. emigrant, 403; arrest, 445.
Dayton, founded, ii. 251.
Deady, M. P., on sup. court, i. 151-2; supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93; of As sembly, 143; biog., 144; revises laws, 150; Atty, 158; of council 1851-2, 161, 296; trustee of Or. Academy, 167; Associate Judge, 307-8; at constitutional convent, 423; elected U. S. Judge, 442; U. S. dist Judge, 669; University di rector, 690; of Or. medical college, 691; mention of, 747, 763-4.
Dean, X. C., farm of, ii. 184.
Deception Pass on Puget Sound, i. 464.
De Cuis, A. P., of Coos Bay Co., ii. 332.
Deer Lake, name, i. 72.
Di lmey, Daniel, biog., i. 422.
Delano Sec., actions in Modoc affair, ii. 597, 602; hanged in effigy, 613.
Del ore, Antonio, exploring party, i. 532.
Demares Cove, ship, ii. 333.
Demers, Father, asst to Blanchet, i. 316; founds Willamette miss., 318- \n 319; vicar gen., 326; journey to
Europe, 327; chaplain, 480. Democratic Herald, newspaper, ii.
448. Democratic party, organized 1852, ii.
172; rupture in, 447; defeat, 1888,762. Democratic Statesman, policy of, ii.
420-2, 448. Demry, John, nominated for Gov., ii.
Denoille, Sergt, murder of, ii. 547. Dent, Capt. F. T., com d at Hoskins,
ii. 488.
De Puis, W., cattle exped., i. 42. Des Chutes river, mode of crossing, i.
514. De Smet, Pierre, Jesuit priest, labors
of, i. 322-6; physique, 323; biblog.,
327; hostility of, 340. De Vos Peter, R. C. priest, 1843, i.
325; St. Ignatius Miss., 327; with
hunting party, 396; discovers pass,
Diana, brig., i. 154, Diamond, bark, i. 188; ii. 48. Diamond, John, exped. of, ii. 305. Diamond Spring, named, i. 558. Dickinson, Obed, missionary, ii. 680. Dilley, murdered by Inds, ii. 223. Dillon, William H., biog., i. 636. Dimick, A. R., biog., i. 638. Disappointment Cape, surveyed, ii.
249; lighthouse at, 511. Diseases, disappearance of, ii. 39.
Distillery, Young s, i. 98, 99, 102,
160; descript of first, 281. Divorce law, passed, ii. 299, 300;
clause in constitution, 438, Dixon Robt, murder of, ii. 549. Dobbins, C., injured on the Gazelle,
ii. 340. Dodson, Jesse, in Ind., exped., ii. 224.
Dogs, excitement regarding killing, i.
258. Doherty, A. S., in explor. exped., ii.
197. Doke, William, escapes drowning, i.
Dolly, schr, ii. 27. Dolph, I. N., of Senate, 1866, ii. 666;
U. S. senator, biog. 676; of Or. R. U.
& N. Co., 704; mention of, 75U; coast
defence bill, 757.
Dominus, Capt., in Columbia, i. 40. Donation Claims, laud taken under,
ii. 659. Donation Laws, its provisions and
workings, ii. 260-3; advantages,
and disadvantages of, 299. \n