EX. \n 777 \n Elliot, Col, Mil. commis. to try
Modocs, ii. 635.
Elliott, Win M., claim of, ii. 321. Ely, Lt, in Indian exped., ii. 314. Ellis, Ind. chief, biog., i. 271; cun ning of, 286-9; hostility, 330-2. Ellsworth, S., of Or. C. M. R. Co., ii.
652; director Or. C. R. R., 698,
699. Emehiser, I., in immigrant party
1859, ii. 463. Emigrants, Whites party, i. 256-7;
life on the plains, 257; character,
392; scarcity of food, 416-17; 1844,
448-9. Emigration, inducements offered, i.
374-5; organization 1843, 393-424;
character, 425-7. Emily Packard, ship wrecked, ii.
301. Emmons, Lieut, exped. from Or. to
Cal., 249.
Eagle, William, biog., i. 528. English, emig. to Or., i. 377; fleet,
497. English, L. N., leased penitentiary,
biog., ii. 644. Enos, half breed, treachery of, ii.
Enterprise, steamer, ii. 340. Episcopal church, hist, of, ii. 685-6. Erasmus, Christopher, murder of, ii.
Ergnette, W., cattle exped., i. 142. Ermatinger, F., character, i. 32-33;
attacked by Inds, 136; Men. P. L.
L. C., 297; treasurer, 472, 480, 496. Ettinger, S., favors new ter. scheme,
ii. 255. Eugene, founders of city, ii. 251; co ty
seat, 299; university at, 661. Euliiiger, Sigmond, claim of, ii. 321. Evans, Allan, bravery of, wounded,
ii. 378.
Evans, David, claim of, ii. 321. Evans, Samuel, murder of, ii. 489. Evans, I., exped. of, ii. 300. Everest, Mr and Mrs, biog., i. 631. Everman, Hiram, trial of, ii. 156. Everman, Niniwon, explores Puget
Sound, i. 463-4; left for Cal., ii.
47. Everman, Wm, trial and execution,
ii. 156.
Ewing, survey schr, ii. 190-2. Ewing, F. Y., travels with Lee, i.
Executive Com., pay, i. 440; author ity, i. 441-2. Express Co. , first in operation, ii. 339. \n Executive, power, summary, 1842, i.
307-8. Express, meeting to provide for
sending, i. 552. Eyre, Miles, drowned, i. 400. \n F \n Fackler, Samuel, biog., i. 631.
Fackler, Rev. St M., biog., i. 629.
Failing, Henry, biog. of, ii. 765.
Fairchilds, John A., farm of, ii. 578; removes Hot Creeks, 578-80; acts in Modoc war, 589, 597-607; favors Modocs, 634.
Falls debating soc , founding, i. 265.
Falmouth, ship, ii. 139.
Fama, bark, i. 422.
Fanning, Mrs Rebecca, biog., i. 530.
Farley, John F. biog., i. 630.
Farming interest, rise of, ii. 338.
Farnham, T. I., at Fort Vancouver, i. 44, 130, 234; exped., 227-34; works of, 230-1 ; in Willamette val. , 231; at Sandwich Is., 234; report on Or., 236.
Farrar, W. H., of const, convention, ii. 423.
Fawn, ship, wrecked, ii. 300.
Fay, James D., biog., i. 571; of as sembly, 1862-5, ii. 638, 665; defeat ed for congress, 669; senator, 1870, 671.
Fellows, A. M., enrolling officer, ii. 399.
Ferree, D, I., in com d of Klamaths, ii. 577.
Ferries, rights granted, i. 440.
Ferry, Chas, of anti-slavery party, ii. 359.
Feudalism among fur-traders, i. 46-7.
Fickas, John L., death of, ii. 370.
Field, M. C., with Stuart s hunting- party, i. 396.
Fields, Mr, biog., i. 637.
Fields, Calvin, killed by Inds, ii. 371.
Figueroa, gov. of Cal., i. 91, 97.
Finances, state of, 1854-5, ii. 355.
Finlayson, D., at Fort Vancouver, i. 34, 37.
Firefly, steam-tug, wrecked, ii. 341.
Fisgard, Eng. frigate, i. 499; officers of, 579.
Fisher, Mrs John, biog., i. 636.
Fishery, establish, on Columbia, 1840, 245.
Fiske, De, E. R., in explor. exped., ii. 176.
Fikh, T. L. exped. agtinst Inds, ii. 464. \n