EX. \n 781 \n Griffith, Elizabeth, biog., i. 529.
Grim, I. W., biog., i. (336; of H. of rep. ii. 72; senator, 1858-65, 432, 452, 638, 665; vice-presdt Pion. Soc., 693.
Gri.st mills, location-owners, ii. 25.
Grover, L. F., biog., ii. 149; pros- attorney, 298; university trustee, 299; ter. auditor, 306; in Ind. ex- pedt., 313; of H. of rep., 1853-7, 323, 413, 417; of constitutional convention, 423; elected to congress, 1858, 431; takes seat, 441; charac ter, 444; elected Gov., 670; U. S.
. senator, 673.
Grubb, Sam l, in Indian expedt., ii. 313; claim of, 321. \n H \n Hacher, Isaac, settler at Coos bay, ii. 334; of H. of rep., 1864-5, 665.
Hackleman, commands immigrant co., 1845, i. 509.
Hagardine, R. B., in Ind. exped., ii. 313.
Haines, I. D., biog., ii. 81.
Half-breeds, causes dissatisfaction, i. 651-3.
Hall, E. C., killed, ii. 464.
Hall, Lawrence, biog., i. 528; mem. of leg., 604; on com t. to frame memorial, 606; reaches Walla Walla, 661; of council, 1850-2; ii. 142, 158, 296.
Hall, Reason B., biog., i. 569.
Halleck, Gen., visits Or., ii. 525, 526.
Hamilton, ship, i. 154.
Hamilton, Edw., torr. sec y, ii. 139.
Hamilton, W., killing of, ii. 155.
Hamlin, Nathaniel, biog., i. 752.
Hammond, Brev.-capt. D. P., in sur vey expedt., ii. 190.
Hanchett, W. H., of road co., ii. 652.
Hancock, Samuel, biog. & bibliog., i. 509; left for Cal. ii. 47.
Haniia, I. A., Presb. minister, ii. 681.
Hannah, Adolph B., of H. of rep., 1858-9, ii. 432-4; U. S. marshal, 443; in confed. service, 456.
Hannon, George, biog., i. 529
Harboss, appropriations for, ii. 300.
Hardin, John R., of H. of rep., 1852, ii. 296; killed by Inds., 313; claim of, 321; alcalde, 325.
Harding, Benj. F , of H. of rep., 1850-2, 1858, 1860, ii. 142, 296, 432, 452; biog., 143; defends W. Ken \n dall, 156; chief clerk of house, 163;
university trustee, 299; U. S. att y,
309; U. S. senator, 639. Harney, Gen., mil. administration of,
ii. 461-8.
Harper, Andrus, biog., i. 572. Harpooner, ship, ii. 48, 70, 103. Harris, Mrs, fight with Inds., ii. 373. Harris, Geo. W., killed by Inds, ii.
373. Harris, Isaac, warns Fairchild, ii.
579. Harris, Moses, assists emigrants, i.
315, 450, 564; with White, 484;
explor. party, 1846, 532, 544; biog.,
545; leaves Ft Hall, 551-2. Harrison, A. M., in survey expedt,
ii. 249.
Harrison, Hugh, biog., i. 635. Hart, Thomas, biog., i. 530. Hartness, McDonald, killed, ii. 403. Hasbrouck, in Modoc war, ii. 624-8. Hassaloe, steamer, ii. 480. Hastings, L. W., leader of party, i.
258-67; disagreements with, 258;
escapes Ind., 260; goes to Cal.,
266-7; character and bibliog., 267;
persuades immigrants to Cal., 552. Hatch, Peter H., pion. 43, i. 422;
signs memorial, ii. 127; candidate
for legislature, 437. Hathaway, Brev.-Maj., in comd. of
artillery, ii. 69. Hathaway, Felix, at Willamette
Falls, i. 204; ship-building, 247;
prov. gov t meets at house of, 428. Haun, Mr, biog., i. 637. Hauxhurst, Webley, cattle expedt.,
i. 142; assaulted, 444; university
trustee, ii. 299.
Hawaiian Islands, trade, i. 371. Hawkins, Lt, military force of, ii.
68, 69.
Hawkins, Henry, biog., i. 527. Hawks, Thomas, drowned, ii. 341. Hays, Mrs Rebecca, at Waiilatpu, i.
647; murdered, 660. Hazard, W. , early settler, ii. 252. Headrich, Samuel, biog., i. 632. Hearn, F. G., visit of, ii. 175. Heber, Fred, in Ind. expedt., ii. 313. Hedden, Cyrus, in explor. expedt., ii.
197. Hedding, Bishop, missionary meeting,
i. 59. Hedding, Elijah, son of Peupeumox-
mox, i. 279; murder of, 286-7. Hedges, A. F., of legislature, 1849,
ii. 59; of H of rep., 1858-9, 432,
434; director 0. C. R. R., 699. \n 7