EX. \n 785 \n Jordan creek, acts of Inds on, ii. 501.
Jordan, M. M., killed, ii. 501.
Joseph, Chief, acts at council, ii. 336 -5.
Josephine , brig, ii. 48; wrecked, 101.
Josephine Co ty, established, ii. 415; hist, of, 753-4.
Jourdan, with Farnham s exped. , 227.
Joven Guipuzcoana , bark, ii. 25.
Judiciary, ways and means, 1842, i. 304; reorganization, 005.
Judicial dist s, arranged, ii. 73-4, 164, 254; division of, 297; re-distributed, 308.
Judson L. H., missionary, i. 177; trustee Or. Institute, 202; death, 1880, 225; magistrate, 304; legisla ture, 307; mill-race, 440.
Juliet , schr, wrecked, ii. 203.
Juliopolis, Red river, i. 315.
Jump Off Joe creek, fight at, ii. 387. \n K \n Kaiser, P. C., bibliog., i. 398.
Kaiser, T. D., Sec. and Capt. Or. rangers, i. 283; leader immigrant party, 393; biog. and bibliog., 398; first to arrive at Dalles, 408; mem. prov. gov t, 428, 431.
Kalispelms, mission founded among, i. 327.
Kamehameha, iii. treaty with, i. 178.
Kamiah, missionaries at, i. 137-8; mission, 331-2.
Kamiakin, Chief, acts at council, ii. 364-5:
Kane, Paul, work, i. 599.
Kasas, execution of, ii. 80.
Kate Heath , brig, ii. 180.
Kautz, Lt., at Fort Orford, ii. 233; in exped., 313; fight with Inds, 374.
Kearney, Bvt Maj. of mounted rifles, ii. 81; exped. against Inds, 225-32.
Keath, F., killed by Inds, ii. 315.
Keeler, G-. W., Representative, 1860, ii. 452.
K^ane creek; named, i. 546.
Keene, Granville, killed by Inds, 371.
Keene, "VVm, murder by, trial, ii. 156.
Keintpoos, see Capt. Jack.
Kelley, Hall J., arrives, i. 17, 89; on term Oregon, 22-3; advocates miss, labors, 56; prominence in settle ment, 67-70; plan of city, 69; pur pose, 89; adventures, 89-90; bad report of, 91; relation to H. B. Co., 91-4, 99; leaves Or., 94; on Or. question, 365; emigration scheme, 367; poverty of, 369. OR. II. 50 \n Kellogg, Orin, biog., i. 752.
Kellogg, Orrin, biog., i. 528.
Kelly, Rev. Clinton, biog., i. 752.
Kelly, with Farnham s Or. exped., 228.
Kelly, James K., commissioner to prepare laws, ii. 150; in explor. exped., 176; biog., 182; of council, 1853-7, 323, 349, 413, 417; of con stitutional convent., 423; U. S. att y, 443; senator, 1860-3, 452, 638.
Kelly, John, at Cal. mines, ii. 185; register of lands, 669.
Kelly, Wm, capt. of Or. vols, ii. 491; at Ft Vancouver, 532; in Modoc war, 585-9.
Kelsay, Col, in fight at the Meadows, ii. 402.
Kelsay, John, of const, convention, ii. 423.
Kendall, Thos Simpson, biog., i. 530; of anti-slavery party, ii. 359; del. to convention, 418; school trustee, 682.
Kendall, Wm, murder by, trial, ii. 155, 156.
Kenny, D. M., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.
Kennedy, Ezekial, destitute, i. 546; biog., 571.
Kennedy, L, in Ind. exped., ii. 313.
Keplin, Capt., on Or. coast, i. 94.
Kesner, Chas, in Snake river massa cre, ii. 472.
Kester, I., murder of, ii. 523.
Keyes, Morgan, biog., i. 528-9.
Keyes, Robert C., deposition about Cal., i. 552.
Kiamasumpkin, murder by, ii. 94; trial and execution, 96-100.
Kilborne, R. L., with Farnham s ex ped., i. 227, 237; ship-building, 247.
Kilborne, Wm, on Columbia, i. 414; treasurer, 606; ii. 63; of Or. Ex change Co., 54; signs memorial, 127.
Killin, John, biog., i. 531.
Kimball, Mr and Mrs, at Waulatpu, i. 647.
Kincaid, R. H., author of peace corn- mis., ii. 595.
King, Alex., exped. of, ii. 305.
King, T. Butler, established Port Or ford, ii. 193.
King, W. M., of H. of Rep., 1850-1, 1857-8, ii. 142, 161, 429; biog., 143; notary, 298; port surveyor, 309.
Kingsley, Calvin S. , trustee of univer sity, ii. 299; Meth. preacher, 677.
Kinney, A., arrival of, ii. 139. \n