general, grand quartermaster, grand paymaster, grand aid, two grand sentinels, and grand chaplain.
The "opening ceremony" of the subordinate encampment is as follows:
"The colonel, lieutenant colonel, quartermaster, paymaster, aid, and sentinels, being in their respective places, the regiment shall be called and thus addressed by the colonel: Fellow-soldiers in the free-state army: The hour has arrived when we must resume the duties devolving upon us. Let us each, with a heart devoted to justice, patriotism, and liberty, attend closely to all the regulations laid down for our government and action; each laboring to make this review pleasant and profitable to ourselves and a blessing to our country. Aid, are the sentinels at their posts, with closed doors?
"Aid. They are.
"Colonel. Aid, you will now review the troops in the regiment's pass word.
"Aid. (After examination.) I have examined them personally, and find each correct.
"Colonel. I pronounce this regiment arrayed and ready for service."
Then follows the process of initiating new recruits, who are properly vouched for by members of the order, the preliminary obligations to observe secrecy, the catechism to which the candidate is subjected, and the explanations of the colonel in respect to the objects of the order, which are thus stated: "First, to secure to Kansas the blessing and prosperity of being a free state; and, secondly, to protect the ballot-box from the leprous touch of unprincipled men." These and all other questions being satisfactorily answered, the final oath is thus administered: "With these explanations upon our part, we shall ask of you that you take with us an obligation, placing yourself in the same attitude as before.
, in the most solemn manner, here in the presence of Heaven and these witnesses, bind myself that I will never reveal, nor cause to be revealed, either by word, look, or sign, by writing, printing, engraving, painting or in any manner whatsoever, anything pertaining to this institution, save to persons duly qualified to receive the same I will never reveal the nature of the organization, the place of meeting, the fact that any person is a member of the same, or even tne existence of the organization, except to persons legally qualified to receive the same. Should I at any time withdraw, or be suspended or expelled from this organization, I will keep this obligation to the end of life. If any books, papers or moneys belonging to this organization be entrusted to my care or keeping, I will faithfully and completely deliver up the same to my successor in office, or any one legally authorized to receive them. I will never knowingly propose a person for membership in this order who is not in favor of making Kansas a free state, and whom I feel satisfied will use his entire influence to bring about this result. I will support, maintain, and abide by any honorable movement made by the organization to secure this great end, which will not conflict with the laws of the country and the constitution of the United States. I will unflinchingly vote for and support the candidates nominated by this organization in preference to any and all others."To all of this obligation I do most solemnly promise and affirm, binding myself under the penalty of being expelled from this organization, of having my name published