Page:The History of a Lie (1921).djvu/35

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“‘From the lands where the nation of Adonai has been scattered by the orders of our forefathers.’

“‘Are you ready to fulfil the promise during the coming century?’

“‘We are ready!’

“‘Then say, whose representatives are you, and where do you come from? Tribe of Judah?’

“‘From Amsterdam,’ replied a strong, loud voice.

“‘Tribe of Benjamin?’

“‘Toledo!’ came the dull answer.

“‘Tribe of Levi?’


“‘Tribe of Manasseh?’


“‘Tribe of Gad?’


“‘Tribe of Simeon?’


“‘Tribe of Zebulun?’


“‘Tribe of Dan?’


“‘Tribe of Asher?’


“‘Tribe of Issachar?’

“The answer came in a faint voice and could not be heard distinctly.

“‘Tribe of Naphtali?’


“‘And I am the representative of the unfortunate and exiles,’ said the man who asked the questions in a dull voice. ‘I am myself wandering about all over the world in order that I may unite you for the sake of the cause of redemption which has been promised to the seed of Abraham and which was taken from them by the sons of him who was crucified! Who is here of the house of Aaron, let him rise, scrutinize the heads of the tribes and gather the council.’

“The man who was the first to arrive rose and then seated himself upon the tombstone. One by one the others came over to him and whispered in his ear a seven-syllabled word, and each time he nodded in approval. After that all returned to