Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/100

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The Hiſtory of

not be taught by thee; Wee know that thou haſt here ſome accomplices, whom, ſince by thy owne accord thou wilt not diſcover, thou ſhalt do it by force, whereupon they commanded him to be carried back to the priſon, and by and by to be put on the Racke, but not able by torment to rack any thing from him. they condemne him to the fire, as an obſtinate Heretick. the chief Officer being deſired by the Prieſts, not to ſuffer him to ſpeake as hee was going to the execution, leaſt he ſhould infect the people with his words, The Officer agreed with him to forbear ſpeaking, or otherwiſe he would ſtop his mouth. Andrew promiſed ſilence, and performed what he promiſed, ſpeaking nothing all the way, but praying ſoftly to himſelfe. At the laſt, when the fire began to ſindge his head, he cried out, Ieſus the ſon of the everliving God, be mercifull, be mercifull, be mercifull to me a ſinner, which were all the words he ſpake. The Prieſts turning to the people, ſaid, Behold at laſt he calleth on leſus, in whom he living would not believe, nor reverence his Sacraments.

Chap. 27.