and having lift up her eyes unto heaven ſhe ſaid, there is our God, thither wee muſt looke, and then ſhee haſtned to mount the pile, and endured the paines of the fire with a ſtrong courage the 4 of December, 1527.
A potter and a girdler burned.
IN the year 1528. & in the reign of Ferdinand the 1. two German artificers the one a potter the other a girdler, accuſed of Lutheraniſme by the Monkes, were condemned by thoſe of Prague to the fire. As they went unto the place of execution, they argued ſo religiouſly out of the Scriptures that they cauſed teares to flow from the eyes of many, being laid on the pile, they exceedingly encouraged one another; the girdler ſaying. Since our Lord Ieſus hath ſuffered very grievous things for us, let us alſo ſuffer this death, and rejoice that we have found ſo much a grace and favour with him, that we are accounted worthy to dy for the law of God; to whom the potter anſwered, but I at the day of my marriage found not ſuch rejoicing of mind as now I do. And when fire was put to the wood they prayed with a loud voice, Lord Jeſus Chriſt, thou in thy ſufferings prayedſt for thine enemies, threefore we alſo pray, forgive the